Bank Connection

An accountant’s workday is largely spent on manually linking transactions with bank transfers. Why spend valuable time on activities that can be automated?  ERPLY Books has a bank reconciliation solution. Thanks to this, transactions can be quickly and conveniently...


/api/payments/import   Response FIELD NAME TYPE DESCRIPTION REQUIRED PaymentImportInfo amount BigDecimal PaymentImportInfo invoiceSum BigDecimal PaymentImportInfo currencyRate BigDecimal PaymentImportInfo vatPercent BigDecimal PaymentImportInfo importValidated...

Invoice importing special formats

Default importing options are described in the video: This tutorial speaks about how to import invoices with custom fields and XLS files.  Default CSV file alignment Additional options with...

Special formats for importing invoices

Default importing options are described here in the video. This tutorial speaks about how to import invoices with custom fields and XLS files. Default CSV file alignment Column Field name Compulsory Default value How it is used? Column name A Invoice no Yes – If...