Eriformaadid arvete importimisel

Käesolevas juhendis anname ülevaate arvete importimist puudutavatest nüanssidest, täpsemalt kuidas importida arveid, kus on kohandatud väljasid ja XLS formaadis faile. Tavapäraste arvete importimist kirjeldav juhend on siit:...


Pangaimport   Pangaimport ERPLY Books’is võimaldab maksete ja laekumiste automaatse ühendamise arvete, kontaktide või kontodega. Samuti saab juurde lisada projekte. Pangaimport teeb laekumiste ja maksete haldamise Sulle lihtsaks! Protsessi võimalikult...

Chart of accounts

Chart of accounts   In ERPLY Books, the chart of accounts can be managed if you go to ‘’Accounting” -> “Chart of accounts’’. There you can see that every account has an account number, account name and different types of information listed in columns.      There is...

Modules features

Modules features in ERPLY Books   In this manual are described all ERPLY Books main functionalities that you can find in different modules from the Dashboard.     Sales   Sales Invoice (Add New) – here you can add new sales invoices and send them...


API in ERPLY Books Why choose ERPLY Books accounting API? Because it is full-featured, provides support for the current system in your business and supports your software with various features. If you want to know more about the world’s best accounting API then...